Information Consumption as a Form of Identity Manifestation (Part 1)

  • Valentina Aleksandrovna Shilova Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; State Academic University for the Humanities
  • Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Yakovleva State Academic University for the Humanities
Keywords: information consumption model, information consumption, social identity, communication model, communication technologies, communication practices, mass media audience


This article (Part 1) provides a theoretical framework of the author's original study of the relationship between the recipients' information consumption and their identities. We will describe the study itself later in Part 2 of the article.

The authors consider that due to the development of the latest communication technologies, the expansion of technical capabilities for the production of information content and access to it, a new model of information consumption is being formed. Thus, it is necessary to search for new methodological approaches to studying and interpreting audience behaviour. Authors propose to consider the practices of information consumption in connection with consumer identities.

The article focuses on the identity theories and the practices to study identity; it provides a detailed overview of various concepts. The authors distinguish their approaches to the description of their types of identities and the structures arising from them. In addition, in this article, the authors discuss approaches to studying information search motives and consumer behaviour in connection with the mass media.

Based on the analysis of previously conducted empirical studies, the authors identify some general trends in information consumption. After studying the existing theories, the authors assume that the structure of identity sets the motive for behaviour in the search for information and acts as a criterion for accepting or rejecting an information message.


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Author Biographies

Valentina Aleksandrovna Shilova, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; State Academic University for the Humanities

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Leading Researcher; Associate Professor 

Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Yakovleva, State Academic University for the Humanities

Student of the “Sociology” Batchelor Programme


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How to Cite
ShilovaV. A., & YakovlevaA. A. (2021). Information Consumption as a Form of Identity Manifestation (Part 1). Communications. Media. Design, 6(2), 98-119. Retrieved from
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