Tendencies of Socio-Cultural Development in the New World After 2020

  • Dmitry Gennadievich Evstafiev National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Lyubov Alexandrovna Tsyganova National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: cultural transformations, informational society, integrated communications, online communications, socio-cultural environment, postglobal environment, archaic cultures, cultural institutions, socio-communicational hybridity


The contemporary global transformations that affected political relations, economy and deeply — the models of social development did not come completely unexpected. These transformations take path while such important element of globalization as global informational society based upon the technologies and social principles of integrated communications remains in place. The changes in the social and socio-cultural environment on the regional and national levels could be the most indicative illustration indicators of the nature and drastic character of the on-going changes. The coronavirus pandemia served as a threshold for the selection of the ways for the further development of culture and socio-cultural relations. The online-cultural artefacts, the selection of the appropriate channels for communications and the loss of the emotional connections could become the major challenges for the future world. The societies that were already affected by the globalization are facing the necessity to choose a new model of socio-cultural development as well as relevant communications’ formats for its support.


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Author Biographies

Dmitry Gennadievich Evstafiev , National Research University Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor

Lyubov Alexandrovna Tsyganova, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor


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How to Cite
Evstafiev D. G., & TsyganovaL. A. (2020). Tendencies of Socio-Cultural Development in the New World After 2020. Communications. Media. Design, 5(2), 5-27. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/11509
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