Information Consumption as a Form of Identity Manifestation (Part 2)

  • Valentina Aleksandrovna Shilova Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; State Academic University for the Humanities
  • Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Yakovleva State Academic University for the Humanities
Keywords: information consumption model, information consumption, social identity, communication model, communication technologies, communication practices, mass media audience


In this part of the article (Part 2), authors continue their study on the relationship between the structure of identity and the nature of information consumption by young people. Authors conducted cluster, factor and one-factor analysis of variance as part of an empirical search study on the Internet in 2021 (a survey of 1010 respondents using the author's questionnaire, which allows to determine the nature of information consumption and identity structure) and fonund confirmation of the following hypotheses: 1) the nature of information consumption is related to the structure of youth identity; 2) the structure of identity differs at a statistically significant level in different age groups. The assumption that the younger the respondent, the less he will turn to traditional media and more often to the Internet as a source of information was only partially confirmed during an empirical study, and the hypothesis that the forms of information consumption differ among groups with different dominant identities was not confirmed.

The authors assume that in different age periods different identity structures are formed among young people – It depends on the nature of information consumption.


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Author Biographies

Valentina Aleksandrovna Shilova, Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences; State Academic University for the Humanities

Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Leading Researcher; Associate Professor 

Aleksandra Aleksandrovna Yakovleva, State Academic University for the Humanities

Student of the “Sociology” Batchelor Programme


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How to Cite
ShilovaV. A., & YakovlevaA. A. (2021). Information Consumption as a Form of Identity Manifestation (Part 2). Communications. Media. Design, 6(3), 129-147. Retrieved from
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