Визуальные коды антиутопии в видеоиграх: репрезентация классовых различий

  • Максим Валерьевич Шибаев Фонд V–A–C
Ключевые слова: гейм стадис, эстетика видеоигр, визуальный код, реминисценция, антиутопия, сеттинг


Nowadays, video games in one form or another are present in the life of every person. The interdisciplinary nature of science field allows to consider them from the point of view of both technical and humanitarian sciences.  At the same time, the nature of the study will depend on many factors: setting, genre, style, world history, gameplay and others. Even the approach to studying the game may differ depending on what a particular researcher decides to focus his attention on. The main task of this work is to analyse the visual codes of class representation, which is used by artists and game designers when creating dystopian spaces. The purpose of the study is to try to answer the following questions: why do video games need representation of the social class differences? What is the nature of those visual representations? How does the setting affect the graphic elements of the narrative? How does the dialogue between the philosophy of negative utopia and the game space take place? An integral element of the narrative in dystopia is social class stratification. And if in literature visuality exists only in a descriptive form and with the support of the reader's imagination, then in video games and cinema the need to encode space using visual language comes to the fore in the design of the virtual world. Having a huge literary base, the developers of such spaces are looking for ways to embody and show not only the trials of life under total control. It is important to show exactly what lies at the root of a dystopian society, namely the difference between the life of a privileged class and an alienated person, limited by society, politics and rules.


Биография автора

Максим Валерьевич Шибаев, Фонд V–A–C

редактор издательства V–A–C Press, старший редактор онлайн журнала V–A–C Sreda


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Как цитировать
Шибаев М. В. (2023). Визуальные коды антиутопии в видеоиграх: репрезентация классовых различий. Коммуникации. Медиа. Дизайн, 8(3), 156-173. извлечено от https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/18028
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