An Explorative Potential and Limits of N. Luhmann’s Systems Theory for Studying Interplay Online

  • Andrey Vladimirovich Rezaev Saint-Petersburg State University
  • Natalya Damirovna Tregubova Saint-Petersburg State University
Keywords: Niklas Luhmann, Online, social intercourse, communication, artificial sociality


The paper deals with the questions regarding possibilities to exploit cognitive arrangements of Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory in studying online interplay in comparison with social intercourse (obschenie) of human beings. The authors have examined explorative potential and the limits of the systems theory for analysis of interplay and interactions Online.

They start their reasoning with a justification of an argument about what they call ‘de-problematization’ of social intercourse in Luhmann’s theoretical constructions. The argument is based on Luhmann’s interpretation of interrelations between physical coercion and power as “symbiotic relationship” and on his comments on “hydraulics of interpenetration” in interaction systems. Further the authors have sketched a framework to examine online interplay. They underline two basic characteristics of interplay and interactions Online: a) remoteness, and b) phenomenon of ‘artificial sociality’. The authors show that Luhmann’s systems theory has great explorative potential as well as cognitive limits in studying interplay and interactions Online. The limits of the Luhmann’s theory are rooted in its failure to regard social intercourse (obschenie) as both a social phenomenon and as a research problem. In conclusion the authors suggest, in order to overcome the limits of systems theory, to engage in studying online interactions new theoretical perspectives that come with sociological inquiry of social intercourse (obschenie), critical analysis of artificial intelligence, and philosophical anthropology.



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Author Biographies

Andrey Vladimirovich Rezaev, Saint-Petersburg State University

Doctor of Sciences, Head of the Department of Comparative Sociology, Saint-Petersburg State University

Natalya Damirovna Tregubova, Saint-Petersburg State University

Candidate of Sciences, Assiatant of the Department of Comparative Sociology


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How to Cite
RezaevA. V., & TregubovaN. D. (2019). An Explorative Potential and Limits of N. Luhmann’s Systems Theory for Studying Interplay Online. Communications. Media. Design, 3(4), 5-21. Retrieved from