Wilbur Schramm and the Development of Communication Study in China

  • Chunfeng Lin University of Illinois
  • John Nerone University of Illinois


The following article describes the three roles of Wilbur Schramm, that influenced the process of establishment of a new academic field in China scholar structure - the communication study. The authors review the visit of Schramm in China in 1982 and discuss the impact of this tour for Chinese academic society.

Schramm`s Chinese name "Xuan Weibo" has not only phonetic but also ideological meaning - "The Great Uncle of Dissemination." The following article answers the question - why did China choose Schramm for the role of "icebracker" for the establishment of communication studies in the country?


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Author Biographies

Chunfeng Lin, University of Illinois

PhD candidate, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois

John Nerone, University of Illinois

Ph.D., Professor of Media and Cinema Studies


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How to Cite
LinC., & NeroneJ. (2018). Wilbur Schramm and the Development of Communication Study in China. Communications. Media. Design, 2(4), 19-30. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/7494
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