Crisis Management Features in Government Owned News Agencies

  • Ekaterina Vasilievna Kopytkova
Keywords: crisis management, news agencies, media management, risk management


This article reviews the typologies of crisis phenomena in news agencies forced to work in conditions of a high level of complexity of the post-pandemic information environment. The author analyses the methodology of diagnostic activities used in them aimed at preventing numerous crisis phenomena, including monitoring of the external environment and system analysis of signals about possible changes in the state and competitive status of the news agency; audit of managerial and financial climate, accounting status, risk management and assessment of the current state, as well as forecasting possible states and determining scenarios for the future state of the news agency. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of risk management methods in the activities of news agencies during the crisis, starting with the method of building a risk map and the method of integrative risk management and ending with the method of building an information risk management system. In the final section, based on surveys of expert managers, the authors evaluate the methods of anti-crisis management used in TASS and RIA Novosti, systematizing the data obtained from these news agencies on models and measures, conditions, and infrastructure, predicted risks of anti-crisis management.


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Author Biography

Ekaterina Vasilievna Kopytkova

Master in Media Management


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How to Cite
Kopytkova E. V. (2024). Crisis Management Features in Government Owned News Agencies. Communications. Media. Design, 9(2), 145-174. Retrieved from
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