Non-Advertising Models of Mass Media Financing: Methodological Approaches Development

  • Oleg Kostyukovich
Keywords: cultural industry, financing of cultural industries, media, media financing, financing model, non-advertising media financing models


In the present time, we see contradictions between the growing practice of non-advertising media financing and the lack of any recommendations for the development and implementation of models to implement such financing. This paper presents an analysis of Russian practice: classification of models, comparative analysis, economic and image validity of their use, algorithms for adaptation to the existing activities of companies. We consider a set of non-advertising models of media financing that are potentially implemented on the Russian market in modern conditions and determine the possibility of their application on the example of the RBC media holding. As a result of analysis we present methodological approaches to determining the most relevant non-advertising financing models, as well as a roadmap for their implementation in the media.


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Author Biography

Oleg Kostyukovich

Master of Media Communications


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How to Cite
Kostyukovich O. (2021). Non-Advertising Models of Mass Media Financing: Methodological Approaches Development. Communications. Media. Design, 6(2), 52-75. Retrieved from
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