Discourse Analytic Approach to Verbal Aggression in Social Media Texts

  • Irina Deeney Belgorod State National Research University
  • Lyudmila Belova Belgorod State National Research University
Keywords: verbal aggression, discourse analysis, social networks, values, text sentiment


The article discusses the issues related to detection of verbal aggressiveness in social media texts. The problem of verbal aggression is approached in the scope of establishing social network communities, as it is assumed that such groups are based on the value priorities which act as converging point for a community. The possibility of using Opinion Mining method for evaluating the subjective content of the text is also analyzed. The author describes various forms of verbal aggression using the example of texts of several network communities. It is shown that verbal aggression in the texts of the social networks communities is diverse which may be explained by the variety of communities’ values and various types of speakers’ verbal behavior.


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Author Biographies

Irina Deeney , Belgorod State National Research University

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor

Lyudmila Belova, Belgorod State National Research University

Student of Master’s Programme “Theoretical and applied translation”


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How to Cite
Deeney I., & BelovaL. (2020). Discourse Analytic Approach to Verbal Aggression in Social Media Texts. Communications. Media. Design, 5(2), 74-84. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/11559
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