Contemporary Protest Communication in the Context of a System-Communicative Approach

  • Raisa Eduardovna Barash Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Alexander Yurevich Antonovskiy Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: protest, media, communication, activism, system-communicative approach


The authors of the article analyses the protest actions that took place for recent years in various parts of the world and that were determinated by completely different reasons. Applying to the methodology of systemic-communicative analysis for the study of the protests actions the authors propose to interpret the protest self-organization primarily as a communication, that is alternative to the interaction of the political sphere and civil society.

Trying as to define the specifics of protest communication as a new communicative system that is nevertheless commensurate with the traditional communicative system (politics, economy, science), as well as to find out whether new social movements, primarily protest ones, fulfill the unique task of simultaneously reproducing themselves, so and interaction with other social systems, the authors turn to the use of the methodological framework of a system-communicative approach. Such a methodology for studying protest activity interpret the emergence of new social movements as a result of a reaction of society to its general systemic structural deformations and to current social risks. Besides the system-communicative approach interprets protest communication as a prerequisite for active action and defines it as a result of the inclusion of the emotion of “social fear”. So, the ability to experience fear for another makes possible accumulation and transferring of fears from one participant to another.


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Author Biographies

Raisa Eduardovna Barash , Russian Academy of Sciences

Candidate Sci.(Pol.Sci.), Senior Researcher of the Centre for Complex Social Studies, Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS

Alexander Yurevich Antonovskiy , Russian Academy of Sciences

DSc in Philosophy, Leading Researcher of Institute of Philosophy, RAS


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How to Cite
Barash R. E., & Antonovskiy A. Y. (2019). Contemporary Protest Communication in the Context of a System-Communicative Approach. Communications. Media. Design, 4(3), 140-164. Retrieved from
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