The Impact of Culture on Visual Representation of Global Media Brand: Case of Vogue Issues 2018 in Six Countries

  • Julia Alexandrovna Chernenko National Research University Higher School of Economics
  • Viktoria Vyacheslavovna Ivanova
  • Alexandr Gapich
  • Sergey Olegovich Spasskiy
Keywords: Vogue, fashion media brand, visual representation, USA, United Kingdom, Russian Federation, Australia, India, United Arab Emirates


The research is dedicated to the differences in visual representation of global fashion media brand Vogue, that can be reflected through the cultural specifics of the countries included in the study.

The research includes content as well as visual analysis (cover) of the Vogue issues, published in 2018 in six culturally different countries: USA, United Kingdom, Russian Federation, Australia, India and United Arab Emirates.

Within content analysis methodology the number of pages, the sections in issues as well as the amount of advertisement (both local and global) in issues were count.

Visual analysis included the perceived age and race of the model on the cover, the profession of the model as well as her or his pose and gestures. General saturation of covers with text was also evaluated.

As was supposed, the age of the hero on the cover may reflect the general ideas of the «age of active social life» in different counties, as well as it could be an indicator of the «cult of youngness» in some cultures.

We also supposed that Muslim traditions and culture may affect the visual representation of Vogue Arabia, which was shown in the absence of male characters on the cover page, mainly covered bodies on the pictures and lack of local heroes on the covers.

Thirdly, we supposed that the balance (or misbalance) between local and foreign heroes on the cover may be an indicator of the orientation on local or global agenda, as well as that countries with historically strong cultural industries (USA with Hollywood and India with Bollywood) will prefer local heroes on the covers.


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Author Biographies

Julia Alexandrovna Chernenko , National Research University Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Sciences in Philology, Lecturer, School of Media, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)

Viktoria Vyacheslavovna Ivanova

Bachelor student, School of Design, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design (Moscow, Russia)

Alexandr Gapich

Bachelor student, School of Design, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design (Moscow, Russia)

Sergey Olegovich Spasskiy

Bachelor student, School of Design, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design (Moscow, Russia)


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How to Cite
Chernenko J. A., Ivanova V. V., GapichA., & Spasskiy S. O. (2019). The Impact of Culture on Visual Representation of Global Media Brand: Case of Vogue Issues 2018 in Six Countries. Communications. Media. Design, 4(1), 159-179. Retrieved from
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