Value-Oriented Model of Space in the Methodology of Art Design

  • Vladislav Dmitrievich Kozlovskii Moscow State Institute of Culture
  • Lyudmila Gennadievna Pugacheva Moscow State Institute of Culture
Keywords: art design, methodology of art design, architecture, design, value-oriented model of space


There is a theoretical research of connection between material and social space in relation with art design in the article. As a result we have a conclusion about the need to include value-oriented model of art design at methodology of architectural and design activities. At the beginning of the article author defines art design as a wide field of human activities on creation and improvement of material space and pose two under-explored questions at methodology of architectural and design activities regarding material culture objects transformation with changing values perception and its impact on people’s relations inside of society.

Main part is dedicated to the research that determining answers on following questions through analysis material and social spaces links with cybernetic inverse relationship in the context of art design. For this process description author define three levels of value thinking on space that characterized new civilization. This model is used for review two cases relevant basic questions of the research.

In conclusion author point out on necessity to include conception of value-oriented space model at art design methodology to raise the question about its understanding as peculiar social “product-subject”. In this case space consider not just as product of social relations but quasisubject that reproduce that relations and broadcast values from the past to the future.


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Author Biographies

Vladislav Dmitrievich Kozlovskii , Moscow State Institute of Culture

Candidate of Cultural Studies, Associate Professor of the Department of Design at the Moscow State Institute of Culture (Moscow, Russia)

Lyudmila Gennadievna Pugacheva, Moscow State Institute of Culture

Ph.D, Professor of the Department of Philosophy at the Moscow State Institute of Culture (Moscow, Russia)


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How to Cite
Kozlovskii V. D., & Pugacheva L. G. (2019). Value-Oriented Model of Space in the Methodology of Art Design. Communications. Media. Design, 4(2), 26-37. Retrieved from
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