Back to Interaction: Recovering the Human in the Age of Machine Communications

Review for the Book: A.V. Rezaev. N.D. Tregubova. "The World of Interaction in Sociological Dimension". Moscow: University Book. 2017


The review is dedicated to the monography of Saint-Petersburg sociologists A. Rezaev and N. Tregubova. published In Russian In 2017. The authors of the book make it an attempt to re-focus the lenses of modern social theory, using the analysis of the basic operations of human interactions. The research of interaction fobschenie". which is a specific concept of Russian sociology and communication school) can become the point of growth for the sociology and Its theory in general.

In the book Rezaev and Tregubova reflect the heritage of the classics of social thought: Karl Marx. Emile Durkheim. Max Weber, and Georg Slmmel.

The authors divide the concept of Interaction and concept of communication, focusing on the Idea that communication without Interaction is a feature of the machine rather that human-being.

This book Is also an Interesting attempt to combine the notions of Russian and Soviet social thought on the concept of Interaction with the classical "western’ sociology. This combination, authors argue, may be fruitful for both traditions.


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Author Biographies

Maksim Leonidovich Ni , St Petersburg State University

Junior Assistant Researcher at St Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

Anastasia Andreevna Ivanova, St Petersburg State University

MA of European Studies (Saint Petersburg, Russia)

How to Cite
Ni M. L., & IvanovaA. A. (2019). Back to Interaction: Recovering the Human in the Age of Machine Communications. Communications. Media. Design, 3(4), 164-172. Retrieved from