Development of Mass Communications and Trends of Its Research

  • Elena Vasilievna Lavrova Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Education
Keywords: : mass communication research, development of mass communication, contemporary mass communication, social media, blogs


In the following article the results of the development of new channels of mass communications and translation of information are analyzed. From one hand, for the audience these changes are connected with the minimization of the efforts dedicated to the gaining of information. From the other hand, this development means a stronger connection with the author of communicative act and even the possibility to become the author of the communicative act. For those who study mass communications several directions and new fields to explore are emerging, as well as new research questions appear. Answers to these questions may show the specific features of interaction between the communicator and the audience in modern digital society.


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Author Biography

Elena Vasilievna Lavrova, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Education

Candidate of Sciences in Psychology, senior research fellow, Institute of Psychology, Russian Academy of Education (Moscow, Russia)


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How to Cite
LavrovaE. V. (2019). Development of Mass Communications and Trends of Its Research. Communications. Media. Design, 3(4), 85-94. Retrieved from