Creative Industries: Looking for the Stability of the Concept.
While their first developments date from the mid-90s, the creative industries are still at the grand project stage. The central hypothesis on which this article focuses is that including creative industries and cultural industries in the same category cannot be regarded as real or effective, any more than the emergence of a single category, i.e., creative industries, as advertised by professionals, experts or policymakers. While the constituent elements of cultural industries are now relatively well known (the author cites five features that he considers to be essential), this is not yet the case for the creative industries, which remain highly heterogeneous. It is, therefore, possible to list the similarities and dissimilarities between these two categories of industry and even to identify a number of structural differences between them, and for them still to appear in 11 market segments whose data were available in 2014 for the 27 member states of the European Union. If we respect the previously stated conditions, the quantitative pre-eminence of cultural industries is not about to end.
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