Notes of Political Impressionist (Review for the Russian Translation of the Book of Ivy Lee "Present-Day Russia")

  • Екатерина Егорова Political Profiler


In the following review, the book of the Founding Father of Public Relations is analyzed through the lenses of the modern day Russia. The book is translated into Russian for the first time by the scientific editor Asya Vexler and translator Michael Dorfman, who took a significant effort while working in the archives and negotiating with the international partners to make this publication possible.
As it is mentioned in the review, some ideas and observations of Ivy Lee were sharp in their exactness and long-sighted, such as the portraits of current political leaders of Soviet Union, including the portrait of Iosif Stalin, Lev Trotsky and the Head of Comintern Nikolay Buharin. The same exactness can be found in the way how Ivy Lee evaluates the efforts of Soviet propaganda and its tools, both internal and external.


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Author Biography

Екатерина Егорова, Political Profiler

Ph.D. in Political Sciences, President of "Political Profiler" (USA), President of "Nikkolo M" (Russia)

How to Cite
ЕгороваЕ. (2018). Notes of Political Impressionist (Review for the Russian Translation of the Book of Ivy Lee "Present-Day Russia"). Communications. Media. Design, 3(3), 166-174. Retrieved from
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