Elections on the background of Crimea: Electoral cycle 2016-2018 and prospects of political transit (Book Review)

  • Михаил Михайлович Кириченко
Keywords: elections in Russia, book review


The following book describes the results of field work of the Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM) that consider Russian modern political history and make some predictions about the possible future of the Russian political regime.
The book is based on a model of democratic interaction between the power elites and the people, proposed by G. Gallup, that assumes the following: the measurement of vox populi helps to find the consensus between the social groups with the different interests, different beliefs about the justice, and different power.
The book contains three parts (each has two chapters) and an Addendum.
The first part "Political Sociology of Russian Elections" is dedicated to the actual features of electoral democracy in Russia, as well as the ideological and political description of post-Crimea consensus.
The second part "Methodology of political forecasting" is dedicated to the issues of political forecasts and its special features in Russia.
The third part "Political Futurology" is dedicated to political risks connected with the future Russian elections, the other chapter devotes to describe the possible future of "Putinism" in Russia.
The Addendum is dedicated to the answers of experts who work in the field of political technologies.


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Author Biography

Михаил Михайлович Кириченко

Candidate of Sciences in Sociology

How to Cite
КириченкоМ. М. (2018). Elections on the background of Crimea: Electoral cycle 2016-2018 and prospects of political transit (Book Review). Communications. Media. Design, 3(3), 162-165. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/8574
Academic Life