Personalization as a factor of influence on user perception of internet advertisement

  • Александр Валерьевич Можаев National Research University - Higher School of Economics
  • Павел Юрьевич Сидоров National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Keywords: internet advertisement, user perception, personalization, level of personalization


The thesis is devoted to the factors influencing the perception of the personalized Internet advertising.
The issue of the study concerns a contradiction in the scientific community, where some scientists confirm the effectiveness of the personalized advertising, while others refute it.
The first part deals with the concepts of personalization, personalization effect. The main theory revealing the effect of the perception of personalized advertising and the influence of third-party factors on it is the theory of cognitive load. The main theoretical models related to the aspects of the creation of personalization, the issues of data confidentiality are also disclosed.
The second part details the procedures for creating and configuring the Internet resource on which the experiment took place. Also, the details associated with the mechanics of recruitment and data collection into a single base are disclosed.
At the end of the chapter the following analysis of the data obtained during the experiment is presented: dispersion analysis and regression modeling.
As a result, regression and variance modeling revealed the key combinations of factors influencing the perception of personalized advertising. These factors include the level of personalization, the degree of the product involvement and the duration of the focus on the advertising banner.


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Author Biographies

Александр Валерьевич Можаев, National Research University - Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Sciences in Economics, Professor at the Department of Integrated Communications, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design

Павел Юрьевич Сидоров, National Research University - Higher School of Economics

Master in "Integrated Communications", Strategic PR-Specialist at i-Media


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How to Cite
МожаевА. В., & СидоровП. Ю. (2018). Personalization as a factor of influence on user perception of internet advertisement. Communications. Media. Design, 3(3), 142-161. Retrieved from
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