Magic of screen culture

  • Maria Ivanovna Kozyakova Schepkin Theatre High School
Keywords: screen, screen culture, magic, imagery, mythologism, cinema, television


With the many centuries-long history, from protective devices to the final element of complex electronic devices, the screen now appears as a symbol of the information age. The screen returns human civilization to the archaic magic, directly experienced sensations of the world. The following article describes the evolution of the screen, the formation of screen culture and its components, the virtuality and the imagery of contemporary media with the aim of exploring the actualization of archaic, the connection between the screen culture and the magic.


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Author Biography

Maria Ivanovna Kozyakova, Schepkin Theatre High School

Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, Professor


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How to Cite
KozyakovaM. I. (2018). Magic of screen culture. Communications. Media. Design, 3(3), 123-141. Retrieved from
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