Historical Memory about the First World War in Modern Media (Evidence from Musical Compositions)

  • Дарья Сергеевна Чупрасова


The paper addresses representation of the historical memory about the First World War facts in modern media. The study deals with musical compositions of well- and lesser-known in Russia and abroad groups devoted to war events. The regularities between the war result and historical memory features are revealed as well as of popular themes in media.
The author illustrates the results of the survey, conducted by VCIOM group in 2014. The survey evaluated the awareness of Russians on the reasons, the main historical events, and results of the First World War. The survey showed that 58% of participants could not remember the reasons of the First World War and only 12% could recall the Triple Entente and Triple Alliance as the rivals during the War.
The author describes the traditions and points of views of Soviet historians, that could be one of the reasons for lousy knowledge about the "Forgotten War" among Russians. After that author describes the cases from the modern music industry - both Russian and international - to show the difference between the coverage of the First World War in popular media. The case study includes Russian rock-band “Aria”, as well as European bands: Einstürzende Neubauten, Sabaton, Civil War, Iron Mask, Indochine.


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Author Biography

Дарья Сергеевна Чупрасова

Bachelor in "Pedagogical education"


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How to Cite
ЧупрасоваД. С. (2018). Historical Memory about the First World War in Modern Media (Evidence from Musical Compositions). Communications. Media. Design, 3(3), 113-122. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/8560
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