The Artist and the Systems of Communications

  • Станислав Витальевич Шурипа The Institute of Contemporary Art
Keywords: artist, art practices, art institutions, systems of communications, communication networks, nature of art


The following article is dedicated to the review of socio-cultural conditions, that are emerging around the artistic practices and discourses in modern social life. The key factor of those conditions is the development of communication channels and networks. These technological changes create an essentially new situation, that is perceived by all the participants of artistic life: from artists and art managers to art critics and spectators. It is considered that the development of global communication networks will be followed by the changes in the nature of art itself, ways of art production, perception and the existence of art institutes. There are expectations, that these changes will have only a tactic sense. For the modern artists new cultural situation means new opportunities as well as new risks: ideas now are as fast, various, accessible and fast as they have never been before. Besides that, ideas have never had such an unexpectable effect on the individual and group perception, as they have nowadays. How do the artists and other actors of artistic life response to these changes? Which transformations may follow when we think about the art methodology, its narratives and problematics? How will the future of art look like at the epoch of the global communication networks?


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Author Biography

Станислав Витальевич Шурипа, The Institute of Contemporary Art



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How to Cite
ШурипаС. В. (2018). The Artist and the Systems of Communications. Communications. Media. Design, 3(3), 62-80. Retrieved from
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