Hashtag as a predicate of the context of the communicative stream in the Twitter communicative network space

  • Евгений Борисович Макаров Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
  • Александр Вячеславович Щекотуров Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


The theoretical research below is trying to interpret meta-communicative function of the symbol Hashtag in the communicative space of the popular internet service Twitter through the communicative stream model proposed by me on the base of the Luhmann’s communicative theory. At the beginning will be proposed the theoretical approach to the description of such notions as communicative space and communicative stream. Starting with linguistical interpretation of the notion I will move towards sociological mention of this notion; from language field towards social and the communicative one. Then the notion of the communicative stream is analyzed and described: from the well-known Castells definition towards three-component conception of the Luhmann’s communication. Underlining the exceptional importance of the role of the context in the communicative stream I will propose the definition of the communicative stream and its characteristics. Next, I will examine the significance and the function of the symbol Hashtag in Twitter and its importance for the online platform itself and for the users. Based on the above-mentioned communicative stream model I will propose the operationalization of the Twitter notions Message, Tweet, Retweet, Like etc. Separately I will examine the predicative function of the symbol Hashtag.  In conclusion I will reveal thoughts about meaning of the communicative stream in the construction of the everyday interaction process between actors and the definition of its content through the context mainly. Here the good example may be the role of Hashtag in the modern media environment.


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Author Biographies

Евгений Борисович Макаров, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

Undergraduate student, Faculty of Sociology

Александр Вячеславович Щекотуров, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

candidate of sciences, research fellow, Institute of Humanity Studies


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How to Cite
МакаровЕ. Б., & ЩекотуровА. В. (2018). Hashtag as a predicate of the context of the communicative stream in the Twitter communicative network space. Communications. Media. Design, 3(3), 81-95. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/8153
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