The Phenomenon of Bullying in Russian Schools: Teachers as Victims

  • Юлия Александровна Черненко National Research University - Higher School of Economics
  • Дарья Игоревна Сапрыкина National Research University - Higher School of Economics
Keywords: bullying, aggression in school, teacher, teacher-pupil relationship, education process, violation of the rights of the teacher, communicative practices


The article presents the results of the quantitative step of the study dedicated to the phenomenon of bullying in Russian schools, where teachers can become victims of bullying. The research provides the first questionnaire for Russia that allows the opportunity to evaluate the spread of the phenomenon and get the data about the factors that influence the bullying against teachers. The questionnaire includes 20 forms of bullying, including verbal forms, non-verbal forms, indirect bullying, and sexual harassment. 2800 respondents participated in the survey. The results demonstrate that 70% of Russian teachers experienced any form of bullying at least once. Teachers with low material status are in a group of higher risk, as this factor is the most significant among the others. The link between experiencing bullying as a victim and professional burnout is demonstrated.


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Author Biographies

Юлия Александровна Черненко, National Research University - Higher School of Economics

candidate of Philological Sciences, Visiting Scholar, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design, 

Дарья Игоревна Сапрыкина, National Research University - Higher School of Economics

Expert, Laboratory of Educational and Youth Journalism, Faculty of Communications, Media and Design


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How to Cite
ЧерненкоЮ. А., & СапрыкинаД. И. (2018). The Phenomenon of Bullying in Russian Schools: Teachers as Victims. Communications. Media. Design, 3(2), 136-150. Retrieved from
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