Psychology of Propaganda Learns the Lessons of Wars

  • Юрий Эдуардович Ширков Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: psychology of propaganda, history of propaganda, war-time propaganda, USA, Germany, Russia


The primary driver of the development of propaganda techniques are the wars. This is the time when not the academics, but practitioners do their experiments in this field. Peaks of the academic interests to the topics of propaganda and its tools are at the period right after the wars, when the science analyses new findings and tragic mistakes.  A lot of theorists of mass communications appeared to be practitioners in the field of propaganda, and then they reflect their experience after the wars. Accents of these reflections follow the change of war-piece priorities. The following article summarizes some significant experiences in the practice and history of war propaganda and gives notions on how these findings are used nowadays.


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Author Biography

Юрий Эдуардович Ширков, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Candidate of Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology


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How to Cite
ШирковЮ. Э. (2018). Psychology of Propaganda Learns the Lessons of Wars. Communications. Media. Design, 3(3), 5-22. Retrieved from
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