Communications: Model Representations about Historical Retrospective and Possible Perspective

Translated into English

  • Sergey Nikolaevich Grinchenko Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Yulia Leonidovna Shchapova Lomonosov Moscow State University
Keywords: communications, information technologies, model representations, historical retrospective, harmony, Archaeological Epoch, golden ratio, perspectives of Humanity development


Communication is considered as communion between people through increasingly sophisticated information technologies (IT), from successively developing in the retrospect of the Humanity system harmonious development of signal posts/sounds/movements, mimic/gestures, speech/language, writing, text replication, computer IT and connect IT to promising nano-hardware-supported IT. It is emphasized that these IT communications, along with production technologies, exist in parallel, interacting with each other. It is noted that the current crisis in the Humanity system, which initiated their combined impact, is growing and deepening.


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Author Biographies

Sergey Nikolaevich Grinchenko, Russian Academy of Sciences

full professor, doctor of technical sciences,
principal scientific researcher of the Institute of Informatics Problems, Federal Research Centre "Computer Science and Control"

Yulia Leonidovna Shchapova, Lomonosov Moscow State University

full professor, doctor of historical sciences,
professor of Archaeology Department, Historical Faculty


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How to Cite
GrinchenkoS. N., & ShchapovaY. L. (2018). Communications: Model Representations about Historical Retrospective and Possible Perspective. Communications. Media. Design, 3(2), 65-78. Retrieved from
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