Gamification as an Enabler of Communication
Peacebuilding processes aim to establish communication among people who do not communicate with each other. Such communication can be built on a joint interest, such as sustainability and water preservation. One of the key challenges is the recruitment of participants, thereby overcoming hostility and suspiciousness. The proposed solution is to use a cellular gaming app in order to facilitate recruitment and offer a gamification of the activities related to water management. The methodology used in order to approach this complex challenge is founded on Foucaultian genealogy and a branch of philosophy of technology referred to as postphenomenology. The article examines the reference to the game as an enabler of experiments of the world. In order to ignite an experimental approach via gamification, the app should include three elements: casual mobile gaming, location-based gaming and social media gaming. Combined, these elements may lead to the design of a hybrid real-virtual space reward system and the creation of a community.
Full English text of this article was published in Volume 1, Issue 4 of “Communications. Media, Design” and can be found at:
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