The Medium is NOT the Message, the Psychic Is

  • Susan B. Barnes CSNU (Spiritualist National Union)
Keywords: media, medium, fortuneteller, McLuhan, spiritualism, laws of media


McLuhan’s forecast about the influence of technology on culture and his Laws of Media, predict a future, which denies spirituality and replaces it with terrorism, chaos, and addiction.  The spiritual crisis in our contemporary world has influenced our understanding of the terms medium and psychic. Thus, a spiritual belief has been turned into a materialistic idea.  The misuse of the terms medium and psychic, illustrate how technology’s materialistic influence has denied spiritual truths.  McLuhan foresaw this world through his analysis of media, which is why the medium is the message.


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Author Biography

Susan B. Barnes, CSNU (Spiritualist National Union)



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How to Cite
BarnesS. B. (2018). The Medium is NOT the Message, the Psychic Is. Communications. Media. Design, 3(1), 62-77. Retrieved from
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