Russian Football Fans: Origins, Organization and Mass Actions

  • Любовь Александровна Цыганова National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: Football fans, identity, self-identity, subculture, Russian football fandom, institutionalization


Russian football fandom movement is going through transformations which call for further holistic investigations of its characteristics in order to develop a comprehensive policy on the issue of youth subcultures. The existing policies in this field are fragmented and do not take into account constantly changing age, social, gender, and ideological aspects of youth subcultures, thus making it harder to predict the direction of the fandom movement development.

Recent football fan action in Russia and its role in national and international sports events have shown that the phenomenon of football fandom, including its organization and cultural norms, calls for close investigation. This investigation is essential not only for understanding the patterns of Russian football fan ‘mass action’, but also for the development of an effective communication strategy with the fandom organizations


Author Biography

Любовь Александровна Цыганова, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Sciences in National History, Associate Professor, Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design (School of Integrated Communications)


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How to Cite
ЦыгановаЛ. А. (2018). Russian Football Fans: Origins, Organization and Mass Actions. Communications. Media. Design, 2(4), 31-48. Retrieved from
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