Big & Open Data as a factor of transformation of professional social communication?

  • Марина Григорьевна Шилина National Research University Higher School of Economics


New formats of digital data — Big & Open Data — are changing the technical, technological and social dimensions of communication. Data-driven communication is gradually transforming the model of professional social communication ( journalism, advertising and PR). Fixed structural changes are responsible for the formation of new social options of professional communication


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Author Biography

Марина Григорьевна Шилина, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Doctor in Phylology, Ass. Professor, Integrated Communications Dpt., Higher School of Economics


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How to Cite
ШилинаМ. Г. (2016). Big & Open Data as a factor of transformation of professional social communication?. Communications. Media. Design, 1(3), 19-33. Retrieved from
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