Russia's Information Policy in the 2023-2024 Pre-Election Period

  • Artem S. Vasiliev Novosibirsk State Technical University (NETI)
Keywords: presidential elections of the Russian Federation, information policy, Russian media


This article presents the findings of a study that explores the impact of information policy on the success of the pre-election campaign of V.V. Putin, the candidate for President of the Russian Federation, who officially took office for the fifth time on May 7, 2024. Our analysis suggests that one of the key factors behind this candidate's successful campaign was the integration of election campaigning and the information policy of the state. In this article, we aim to validate this claim while also evaluating the form and characteristics of this process. To conduct our study, we utilized the automated real-time media monitoring and analysis service "Medialogia". We focused on the periods from 2022 to 2023 and from 2023 to 2024, allowing us to compare the changes in the information landscape during these time frames. Our analysis revealed that one of the candidates had an advantage in terms of the number of mentions of his name during the election campaign. However, other candidates were ahead in terms of the positive tone of the messages they generated. Additionally, the study findings confirm the assumptions of experts regarding the trend of turning information policy into the practice of the press service.


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Author Biography

Artem S. Vasiliev, Novosibirsk State Technical University (NETI)



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How to Cite
VasilievA. S. (2024). Russia’s Information Policy in the 2023-2024 Pre-Election Period. Communications. Media. Design, 9(4), 168-175. Retrieved from
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