The Application of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for Technology from Social and Ethics Perspectives

  • Mohd Ridzuan Mohd Shariff CyberSecurity Malaysia
Keywords: artificial intelligence, challenges, sociology, ethics, emerging technology, interaction


In the 21st century when we embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution with the various technologies such Big Data, Internet of Things, Internet of Everything, Cloud computing, Blockchain, cryptography, 5G, Artificial Intelligence and many others converging with one another, there is an inherent fear among the people that technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) will one day take over the human population. The fear was expounded by the screening of several movies about robots and robotics taking over the human population. The application of Artificial Intelligence actually has many benefits that could enhance the technologies being used currently and will bring more advantages in the coming years. However, Artificial Intelligence has brought forth several discussions about its application from social and ethical perspectives. It has led to various arguments about the usage which could be deemed as unethical and challenges the norms of social practices. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence, in the hands of unscrupulous criminals will be used for their nefarious objectives which could lead to severe challenges to the authorities. From its noble beginning, Artificial intelligence was a computer science specialty concerned with creating systems that can replicate human intelligence and problem-solving abilities but now the technology itself can be tweaked to do something more ominous and dangerous. In order to maintain and sustain the proper use of Artificial Intelligence, there must be some kind of regulation and enforcement in place to ensure that Artificial Intelligence is not applied for negative activities.


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Author Biography

Mohd Ridzuan Mohd Shariff , CyberSecurity Malaysia

DBA, Head of Technology Research Strategy Department 


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How to Cite
Mohd Shariff M. R. (2024). The Application of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges for Technology from Social and Ethics Perspectives . Communications. Media. Design, 9(1), 23-31. Retrieved from
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