The Global Phenomenon of Fake News: Online Disinformation During Crisis

Keywords: disinformation, fake news, post-truth, epistemic vigilance, fact-checking, interventions


The article discusses the proliferation of fake news as a pressing global concern, especially during times of crisis, and explores the concept of epistemic vigilance, a cognitive mechanism aimed at assessing the validity and reliability of information, and its role in navigating the complexities of fact and fiction in the digital age. Online disinformation poses significant challenges to individuals and society, necessitating robust interventions to combat its impact. These could involve empowering individuals with fact-checking tools and internet platform-based measures. However, while these interventions show potential, evaluating the long-term effectiveness of such efforts in harnessing dissemination of fakes and their impact on information assessment remains an area of ongoing research.


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Author Biography

Nadezhda A. Urusova , HSE University

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite
Urusova N. A. (2023). The Global Phenomenon of Fake News: Online Disinformation During Crisis. Communications. Media. Design, 8(4), 18-31. Retrieved from
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