Convergence of Political Shows on TV in Russia and Its Impact on Audience Expansion

  • Valeriya Victorovna Popova National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: media convergence, political broadcasts, television, YouTube, audience measurement, multimedia


Over the past year, due to events within the country and in the international arena, the importance of socio-political content on all platforms has increased. Despite the increase in airtime, political programs on television nevertheless have difficulties attracting a new young audience to the screen. The author of this study aims to identify and analyse the mechanisms of convergence of political programs on TV and YouTube to increase the audience of television political shows.

The article will examine the history of the emergence and development of political broadcasts on television, the distinctive features of content on YouTube, the problems of audience measurement in the media environment. Secondary analysis of data on watching political programs, interviews with industry experts, as well as the author's personal experience in the production of the Big Game program on Channel One helps in achieving the stated goal. convergence of political TV shows in Russia and its impact on audience expansion

As the results of the study, we give recommendations to increase the popularity of political broadcasts, as well as their convergence. The author concludes that it is practically impossible to attract young people to TV screens due to their media consumption habits. However, if several recommendations are followed, the chances of expanding the young audience of political TV programs due to their release on online platforms increase.


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Author Biography

Valeriya Victorovna Popova, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Master of Media Communications, Head of the Center for Practice and Project Activities, Assistant Director of the Media Institute


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How to Cite
PopovaV. V. (2023). Convergence of Political Shows on TV in Russia and Its Impact on Audience Expansion. Communications. Media. Design, 8(2), 111-131. Retrieved from
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