Media Sociology: Subject and Educational Space

Keywords: journalism, sociology of mass media, sociology of mass communication, media, media sociology, sociology of media communication, mediatisation


The problem of the article is based on deep pragmatics with fundamental and theoretical foundations. The pragmatics is related to the fact that universities with a degree in Journalism have long taught sociology of journalism and mass communication, which was seen as a relatively independent branch of sociological knowledge. Changes in the digital environment, the transformation of media and communication industries demanded changes in the courses, replacing them with media sociology, and, to make matters worse, in the absence of textbooks and theoretical elaboration. The question of the subject area of media sociology, which presumably should replace the courses of the sociology of journalism or the sociology of mass communication, became acute. The paper concludes by identifying the factors that determine the necessity of the transition from journalism to media, and the author’s understanding of the subject field of media sociology and options for the academic discipline of media sociology. The article is an invitation to discuss the problems of application of sociological knowledge in media studies and construction of media sociology as a relatively independent direction of sociological reflection.


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Author Biography

Viktor Petrovich Kolomiets, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology of Mass Communication of the Faculty of Journalism


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How to Cite
KolomietsV. P. (2023). Media Sociology: Subject and Educational Space. Communications. Media. Design, 8(2), 33-51. Retrieved from
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