Construction of Local Identity: Research Approaches

Keywords: local identity, territorial identity, research methods


The article examines the experience of studying the construction of local identities. The author considers the components of territorial identity and its functions. In addition, the methodological approaches used in the study of identities and the methods used in research in different countries are analyzed. The author concludes that different approaches to the definition of local identity as well as the typologies of its components developed by researchers depend on the academic discipline from which they originated. To study local identity in the analyzed literature, researchers used quantitative research methods more often. At the same time the author notes that the sources cited use a limited set of methodological approaches since they are not always reflected in studies.


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Author Biography

Irina Tikhonova , HSE University

Student of the Doctoral Programme "Communications and Media"


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How to Cite
Tikhonova I. (2024). Construction of Local Identity: Research Approaches. Communications. Media. Design, 9(2), 132-144. Retrieved from
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