The Problem Of Digital Inequality of Older People in Belarus: Methodological and Empirical Analysis

  • Snezhana Nikolaevna Voronina Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
  • Diana Dmitrievna Karmyzova Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
Keywords: digitalization, digital technologies, digital inequality, the elderly people.


The ubiquity of digital technologies has become a defining feature of modern culture, economics, politics and society of modern type in general, which led to the emergence of an issue of involving all citizens into the digital environment. Against this background, the authors argue that the problem of integrating elderly people into the digital society requires more detailed consideration. The digital inequality phenomenon emerging in societies of modern type covers the spectrum of educational, social, economic and cultural barriers that support and reproduce this form of inequality. Based on empirical research data, indicators reflecting the degree of elderly people’s interaction with digital devices, technologies and services are defined. The results allow to conclude that place of residence, level of education and involvement in work activities have a positive impact on user's potential of elderly people.

This article is part of the research project “Digital Divide as a Factor of Social Exclusion of the Elderly in the Republic of Belarus”, funded by BRFFR, No. Г22М-007 dated May 4, 2022.


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Author Biographies

Snezhana Nikolaevna Voronina, Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus


Diana Dmitrievna Karmyzova , Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus



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How to Cite
VoroninaS. N., & Karmyzova D. D. (2023). The Problem Of Digital Inequality of Older People in Belarus: Methodological and Empirical Analysis. Communications. Media. Design, 8(2), 93-110. Retrieved from
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