Biophilic and Salutogenic Design in Creating a "Healthy" Office

  • Milada Vladimirovna Pavlova National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: office design, salutogenic design, biophilic design, biophilia, psychology of architecture, positive psychology, environmental psychology


The latest principles for creating a “healthy” sustainable eco-friendly office environment have been presented. “Healthy” office space has been considered as a strategic resource for the efficiency of employees' production activities, improving their quality of life, health and psychological well-being. The view on the creation of optimal environments for a person has changed, which was associated with the strengthening of a positive-psychological attitude towards a person not just as a subject of labor, but also as a person who actively creates, changes these environments and self-actualizes in them. Salutogenic design is a preventive strategy aimed at promoting the health and well-being of people and creating a healthy environment. Biophilic design is an understanding of the mutual influence of man and nature, the introduction of nature into an artificial environment. The purpose of the study was to identify the key positions of a “healthy” office in order to create a standardized method for its assessment. Methodology. A pilot study was conducted using an expert survey (N=27). Results. The results of an interdisciplinary pilot (illustrative) study carried out at the intersection of design, ergonomics, organizational, positive and environmental psychology were shown. The most demanded elements of a “healthy” office have been identified (a place for solitude; a window, a balcony, a terrace; a place to walk and move; a “green” zone for communication with plants and animals, a place to rest, sleep if necessary; a place to have a snack, drink tea, coffee; a place to take a shower, etc.). Some cases of using “healthy” design strategies in the creation of modern offices were analyzed. The possibilities of the described approach for solving applied problems of organizational psychology and health psychology were presented.


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Author Biography

Milada Vladimirovna Pavlova, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Student of the Doctoral Programme “Psychological Sciences”


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How to Cite
PavlovaM. V. (2022). Biophilic and Salutogenic Design in Creating a "Healthy" Office. Communications. Media. Design, 7(2), 97-124. Retrieved from
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