“Exposition of Music – Electronic Television” by Nam Junе Paik: The Beginning of Video Art

  • Daria Olegovna Martynova Saint-Petersburg State University
Keywords: videoart, Nam June Pike, glitch, participation, neo-Dadaism, Fluxus, exposition of music-electronic television, German period of Nam June Paik


This article will review Nam June Paik’s first solo exhibition “Exposition of Music – Electronic Television”, as well as analyse the artworks of the exhibition to identify the significance of this event in Paik’s creative biography. The author concluded that this exposition drew a line not only to the German period (1956-1963) of Paik’s creative works, but also to his artistic searches. Analysing and comparing the works at the exhibition with Paik’s artworks created after it: “Magnetic TV”, “TV Buddha” and “TV Garden”, one can trace how Paik’s early artworks influenced the formation of his classical works. In this regard, it seems relevant to continue studying the German period of Nam June Paik, since there is still no full-fledged study devoted to this creative stage of the artist.


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Author Biography

Daria Olegovna Martynova, Saint-Petersburg State University

Assistant at the Institute of History, Saint-Petersburg State University


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How to Cite
MartynovaD. O. (2022). “Exposition of Music – Electronic Television” by Nam Junе Paik: The Beginning of Video Art. Communications. Media. Design, 7(1), 141-155. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/14389
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