Elaborating the Positioning Message of Wine Brands on the Italian and Russian Markets

Keywords: brand positioning, perceptual mapping, brand differentiation, Italian wine market, Russian wine market, positioning strategy, wine brands


The aim of this study was to create general guidelines on positioning for emerging wine brands on the Italian and Russian markets in line with identifying the differences in how consumers perceive wine brands on both markets and communicating with them accordingly. To achieve this goal, firstly the authors have conducted a deep theoretical study of the concept of brand positioning and brand differentiation and identified the key peculiarities of consumer behaviour on the wine market. As for the next step, the current state of the wine market in Russia and in Italy was examined and a comparative analysis was performed. To get a better understanding of the specifics of local wine markets, the authors conducted an expert survey in Russia and in Italy. As for the final step of the research, the authors carried out a consumer survey to analyse consumers' perception of wine brands in Russia and in Italy using the method of perceptual mapping. The results of the study show how consumers on two markets, a typical “wine country” market, as the Italian one, and a “non-wine country” market - the Russian one, perceive wine brands and how this knowledge can be used by marketers in consumer communicating and elaborating brand positioning strategies for wine companies.


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Author Biographies

Iana Sushkova , Tenuta Dodici

Master of Marketing, Digital Marketing Specialist

Mikhail Shushkin , National Research University Higher School of Economics

Doctor of Economical Studies, Professor

Marianna Korenkova , National Research University Higher School of Economics

Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite
Sushkova I., Shushkin M., & Korenkova M. (2022). Elaborating the Positioning Message of Wine Brands on the Italian and Russian Markets. Communications. Media. Design, 7(1), 102-123. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/14387
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