Radio Broadcasting in Thailand: Current State and Trends

  • Netipon Poopuan
Keywords: Thailand, radiobroadcasting, history of Thailand, history of radio broadcasting, digital radio broadcasting, radio audience, radiobroadcasting business


This article is the first Russian-language work covering the history and state of radio broadcasting in Thailand. The work includes the periodization of the radiobroadcasting technologies formation in Thailand. Author considers technical component along with the socio-political and economic characteristics of Thailand. The author analyzes the process and results of the country's transition to digital broadcasting, characterizes the legal framework of the radio industry. The article provides a list of the most popular radio stations in Thailand and the results of audience measurement, as well as a general idea of the business in the field of radio broadcasting.


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Author Biography

Netipon Poopuan

Master of Media Communications


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How to Cite
PoopuanN. (2022). Radio Broadcasting in Thailand: Current State and Trends . Communications. Media. Design, 7(1), 77-101. Retrieved from
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