Streaming Video Services Market in Russia and the USA: Overview and Trends

  • Anastasia Andreevna Toponen Online Newspaper
Keywords: streaming, video service, streaming video service, OTT, industry market, streaming video services market, online cinemas


Streaming video services in the world is growing popular every year; they gain wast of their popularity during the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown. Our research focuses mainly on the technical aspects of content delivery to the user, as well as on the transformation of content consumption practices. Market relations within the industry are less covered in scientific research, but professional and research circles interest are interested in it. At the same time, if foreign industry markets have been studied sufficiently, then the Russian streaming services market has not yet received due attention. This work is devoted to the disclosure of the topic on the example of the industry markets of Russia and the USA.


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Author Biography

Anastasia Andreevna Toponen, Online Newspaper

Master of Media Communications, Designer


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How to Cite
ToponenA. A. (2022). Streaming Video Services Market in Russia and the USA: Overview and Trends . Communications. Media. Design, 7(1), 45-76. Retrieved from
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