"Post-truth" in a Global Context: Popularity, Heuristic Value and Ontological Essence
The author calls for a critical analysis of the term “post-truth” and for avoiding it both in academic discourse and in journalistic publications, since this lexeme contains not only a logical, but also an ontological error, which surprisingly remains uncorrected. The word “post-truth” denotes a fundamentally important essential substitution: truth loses its absolute status and is placed on a par with things temporary, limited, conventional as post-communism, post-totalitarianism, postmodernism, post-secularism, etc. Truth as a relativistic reality, blurring the boundaries between truth and falsehood are positioned as a stages of historical process: there was one truth, but now there are many and different. Author suggests that the acceptance of this situation can entail disastrous consequences both for the journalism itself and for media studies.
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