The Use of Digital Footprints to Create Psychographic Portraits for Increased Efficiency in Advertising Messages
This article describes the process of studying users’ behaviour in the digital space and creating psychographic portraits using an automated system inside the VKontakte (VK) social network and collecting users’ information. Within the framework of this study, the authors attempted to prove the possibility of implementing these data for small and medium-sized businesses’ goals and to offer the use of psychographic segmentation to create more personalized brand communication with consumers. The study is based on the analysis of data from an application of the VK social network (TIPI Psychological Test) that was developed by the authors and implemented as an online survey of 261 respondents from Nizhny Novgorod to identify their psychographic profile, as well as a database (MySQL) analysis of the activities of these people in the VK social network (their group subscriptions). Based on a comparison of the results of using these two methods, the authors conclude that it is possible to develop a system that uses users’ digital traces to create psychographic portraits and set up more effective targeted advertising for a specific consumer segment.
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