Capitol Hill Riot in Russian-Language and English-Language Chinese Media

  • Pavel Gennadievich Koshkin Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Anatoly Artemovich Raneev Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Keywords: mass media, Capitol takeover, US-China relations, information war, content analysis, discourse analysis


This article analyzes the coverage of the Russian-language and English-language Chinese media of the protests of ex-president Donald Trump’s supporters and their following siege of the Capitol Hill in January 2021. The Chinese media and the information agenda they create is an integral part of the information warfare and the geopolitical confrontation between China and the United States of America. In this regard, the display of certain events in the publications of the Chinese media often creates a negative, critical image of the United States. The results of the analysis show that the Russian-language and English-language Chinese media use different discourses and different key narratives in order to correspond to different audiences in the respective countries.

The methodology of the article includes content analysis and discourse analysis of publications in the six most influential and well-known English-language and Russian-language Chinese media — People's Daily, Xinhua (in two languages), Global Times and television channel CGTN (in two languages). The results are presented through tables. The narratives used by these media outlets in coverage of the riots at the Capitol are also described and interpreted.

In addition, the authors look into the Chinese coverage of the events in the U.S. through the lens of the interdisciplinary approach — the problem of the publication deals with political and foreign studies, communication and media studies as well as international journalism and social science. Besides, the authors analyze the problem of U.S.-China informational confrontation in wider historical and political contexts. In conclusion, Beijing’s informational policy is seen within the framework of International Relations Theory and, specifically, through the lens of realism and neorealism.


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Author Biographies

Pavel Gennadievich Koshkin, Institute for the U.S. and Canadian Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Seniour Researcher

Anatoly Artemovich Raneev, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Student of the “Political Management” Bachelor’s Programme


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How to Cite
KoshkinP. G., & RaneevA. A. (2021). Capitol Hill Riot in Russian-Language and English-Language Chinese Media. Communications. Media. Design, 6(3), 42-64. Retrieved from
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