Reflection of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russian Podcasts

Keywords: podcasting, pandemic, COVID-19, media content, parallel media consumption, media practices


The article analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Russian podcasting. It examines the trends which emerged in this sphere in connection with the pandemic, in particular, the growing interest of Russian listeners in podcasts and the growing number of podcasts produced, including podcasts devoted specifically to the pandemic. The author studies how the coronavirus affected the content of popular Russian podcasts ranked in the top 10 of Yandex.Music in 2020. Separate attention is paid to the genre-thematic specificity of popular Russian podcasts and the relationship between their reflection of the theme of the pandemic and their main topic. The correlation between the number of mentions of the pandemic in popular Russian podcasts and the dynamics of the number of new cases of COVID-19 in Russia in 2020 is analyzed in detail.


This publication is prepared within framework of the project «Digital Media in Times of Pandemic: Transformation of Spaces, Politics and Communication», School of Media, The Faculty of Communication, Media, and Design, HSE University.


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Author Biography

Valeriya Alekseevna Antonova, National Research University Higher School of Economics



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How to Cite
AntonovaV. A. (2021). Reflection of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Russian Podcasts. Communications. Media. Design, 6(3), 23-41. Retrieved from
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