Features of the Operation of TASS and “Russia Today” Information Agencies at Present Stage: Comparative Analysis
Obtaining reliable, timely and exclusive information is one of the most expensive processes during media product creation. Not every media has the financial ability to establish this process in full. In this regard, a special role in the media space is occupied by news agencies, which main activity is to gain and distribute the information. They act as search engines, aggregators, processors and distributors of timely, relevant and exclusive information for society. The most important role in this system is played by state news agencies, which have the greatest opportunities to obtain, verify, and distribute information. The article compares the activities of two agencies — TASS and "Russia Today" as the most important "nodes" of the state information system. The article considers the place of these agencies in the Russian media system, the position on the Russian market of media products, and the features of their operation as state-owned news agencies.
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