N. Luman's Notion of Social Conflict: Toward an Extension of Research on the Communicative Field

Keywords: social conflict, social systems theory, social communication, N. Luhmann, P. A. Sorokin, German sociology


German sociologist Niklas Luhmann's (1927–1998) theory of social conflict is underrated compared to the contributions to the study of conflict by K. Marx, G. Simmel, L. Coser, R. Dahrendorf, K. Boulding, L. Kriesberg, and R. Collins. Luhmann's original notion of social conflict is part of the foundation of his communicative theory of social systems and was developed taking into account the methodological approach of social constructivism in the analysis of social reality. The connection of this concept with the concept of contradiction is revealed, and it is proved that the understanding of the conflict as a communicated contradiction is promising for sociological research, as it allows us to distinguish the semantic content of conflicts in social systems from its psychological and other social contexts. The heuristic significance of this concept is explored in comparison with approaches to the study of the phenomenon of conflict in philosophical hermeneutics, in formal and mathematical logic, including V. A. Svetlov's unified theory of conflict, P. A. Sorokin's (1889–1968) theory of the dynamics of cultural systems, and L. Coser's functional theory of conflict. The methodological significance of Luhmann's communicative understanding of social conflict is confirmed in the analysis of the dispute in theoretical sociology between P. A. Sorokin and T. Parsons over the authorship of the conceptual core of the general theory of social systems. Critically examines the few examples of N. Luhmann's perception of social conflict in German and Russian sociology, taking into account studies of protest political movements that use the new communication technologies of the Internet. The conclusion is made that the Luhmann’s concept of social conflict provides a broad heuristic for the study of conflict in social communities of different levels of organization.


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Author Biography

Nikolay Alexandrovich Golovin, Saint Petersburg State University

Doctor of Sociology, Professor 


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How to Cite
GolovinN. A. (2021). N. Luman’s Notion of Social Conflict: Toward an Extension of Research on the Communicative Field. Communications. Media. Design, 6(1), 5-21. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/12251
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