Socio-Communication Hybridity as The Phenomenon of the Contemporary Information Society

  • Dmitry Gennadievich Evstafiev National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: integrated communications, social action, hybrid environment, social context transformation, communication action, social involvement


The development of the modern digital integrated communications that possess the significant potential of social intrusiveness forms a new institutional framework of the interaction between the information society and the social action sphere as well as a new type of links between information and social processes. It is relevant to discuss not only new forms but rather new formats of social institutionalization that develop along the lines of the model of socio-communicational hybridity that is a specific form of manifestation of the specific social networks that have been formed under the conditions of the indivisibility of the social and communicational spaces. Socio-communicational hybridity becomes one of the major and quite effective forms of the organization of the contemporary communicational environment and one of the instruments of the involvement of the individuals as well as different social groups in social processes.


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Author Biography

Dmitry Gennadievich Evstafiev, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Candidate of Sciences in Politics, Professor


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How to Cite
EvstafievD. G. (2021). Socio-Communication Hybridity as The Phenomenon of the Contemporary Information Society. Communications. Media. Design, 6(1), 22-38. Retrieved from
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