Pixar Animated Short Films’ Evolution

  • Artem V. Prokhorov National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: cinema, animation, short films, cartoons, story, dramaturgy, narrative, storytelling


The article is devoted to the analysis of a number of short animated films by Pixar. This study reveals dramaturgic canons that have remained unchanged for decades, as well as the main trends in the development of modern animation dramaturgy. The author explores how topics, characters, types of conflict and plot structure have transformed over a long time. Particular attention is paid to how the classic “hero's journey” is transformed in the context of modern short-film dramaturgy and studio experiments with mainstream and indie projects. The author also touches on the topic of the penetration of various world cultures into the Pixar animation, analyzes the consequences of this process. The article also considers the changes that have occurred in animation as screen art: in particular, the evolution of such an important component of short animation as a visual attraction. At the junction of different perspectives of the study it becomes clear how the company manages to maintain balance between clear rules and new experiments, between stability and risk, while still remaining the leader in this niche.


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Author Biography

Artem V. Prokhorov, National Research University Higher School of Economics

Student of the Doctoral Programme “Fine and decorative arts and architecture” at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia)


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How to Cite
ProkhorovA. V. (2020). Pixar Animated Short Films’ Evolution. Communications. Media. Design, 5(4), 54-67. Retrieved from https://cmd-journal.hse.ru/article/view/11945
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