Comparing the Level of Media Literacy: a Case of Central Asia

  • Igor Veniaminovich Zadorin ZIRCON Research Group; International non-profit association of research companies “Eurasian Monitor”
  • Anastasia Vladimirovna Saponova ZIRCON Research Group
Keywords: media literacy, information literacy, media education, comparative studies, index of information and media literacy


Paper provides results of the study, that was conducted in the summer of 2019 in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. The level of media literacy was measured with the method of mass representative surveys. The collected data were used for index construction. A composite index, that present a complex level of media literacy, consists of 57 indicators, that were divided into five groups, each of them is demonstrated: 1) skill to effectively find information; 2) skill to protect yourself from harmful content; 3) skill to verify and critically assess the information with the help of the alternative sources of information; 4) ability to absorb information and properly use it; 5) ability to effectively and correctly spread information taking into account rules of law. The indicators, that are used in the methodology are based on the definition of media literacy, which was formulated by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media of the Russian Federation in 2014. Further, all respondents were split into three conditional groups by the level of fixed media literacy: a low, a medium, and a high level.


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Author Biographies

Igor Veniaminovich Zadorin , ZIRCON Research Group; International non-profit association of research companies “Eurasian Monitor”

Head of the ZIRCON Research Group; Executive Director of International non-profit association of research companies “Eurasian Monitor”

Anastasia Vladimirovna Saponova, ZIRCON Research Group

Researcher at the ZIRCON Research Group


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How to Cite
Zadorin I. V., & SaponovaA. V. (2020). Comparing the Level of Media Literacy: a Case of Central Asia. Communications. Media. Design, 5(3), 63-89. Retrieved from
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